ReFocus Ministry

Connecting Generations

At Church and At Home

Welcome to ReFocus Ministry

We are passionate about connecting the generations at church and at home in meaningful relationships and active community.

Our mission is to help faith communities engage in generational discipleship across the ages and create spaces that foster intergenerational experiences, communal worship, and nurturing communities for all generations.

Series: Constructs of Age Segregation and Generational Gap

Five-Part Series on Age Segration

Series on Social Media, Technology and Discipleship

#1 – Why We Need To Be There 

#2 – The Question of Relevance, Discipleship and Kids

#3 – Devices Are Not The Enemy

Excited about Connecting Generations? Not sure where to start?

Many churches are excited about the prospect of generational ministry however many do not know where or how to begin. That’s where ReFocus comes in!

If you’ve ever asked these questions, we hope to help you find the answers. Our desire is to encourage you, support you, resource you, and equip you as you walk the path of transition. If you have a specific need or questions, please reach out via the form below!

Join the Mission

ReFocus Ministry is funded by churches and ministry partners like you who are passionate about connecting the church and home in intentional community and generational discipleship. If you are interested in supporting the work and ministry of ReFocus, we would like to express our gratitude by offering a copy of our Family Faith Formation curriculum as a “thank you” to you!

To Donate, simply click the “Donate” button below. And thank you for joining us in passing the faith “from one generation to another.”

Our Latest Posts

7 Reasons Why Intergenerational Ministry is Important

How do you answer the question, “Why Intergenerational Ministry?” It’s a question that many of us get asked as we begin to understand the importance of generational discipleship and connecting generations in meaningful relationships. Here are 7 answers to the “Why?’ question to help us get the conversation started!

Better than Ten Percent

Ten percent of young people had a faith leader reach out to them over the year-long pandemic. Ten percent. We need to do better.